Creative Forum

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Paul and Vicky carry a vision to connect Creative Artists in all fields for mutual encouragement and to provide opportunity to share ideas. Knowing that the creative journey can be an isolated one and that creative people often have a particular perspective on the world around them, they host gatherings which cultivate an environment for stimulating ideas and generating creative initiatives.

A small group that has emerged from the House of Prayer ‘Praying for Creatives’ set that Paul and Vicky lead on Tuesday mornings, gather regularly around food and the inter-generational nature of this group is becoming a catalyst for their vision.

See below for upcoming ‘Creative Forums’ and their venues. If you’re interesting in attending then please get in contact using the button below. 

As former worship pastors in Bath City Church over many years, Paul and Vicky are experienced worship leaders who carry a heart to develop a vision for worship in the local church, expressed particularly through music, but also beyond through a wide range of expressions across the creative arts, including dance, drama and other media. They are experienced too in pulling together whole church productions and events that are inclusive but set standards of excellence that reflect the heart of worship that they carry.
— Nigel Stenning, Elder Bath City Church
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 upcoming creative forums

We gather with creative people from all disciplines of creativity on a monthly basis. We alternate between connecting around food in a relaxed environment so that we can get to know each other and hear each others stories or gathering at The Forum Coffee House where we currently have a series inviting speakers to come and inspire us with their creative journey.